Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Learn to do Shamanic Clearings (also called Bank Clearings)

Learn to Do Bank Clearings
Open to All Current and Past Students of the Esoteric School

This is an open invitation of all past and current students of the Esoteric School, and anyone who has finished the Four-Element section of Basic Magic (the first 10 classes).

For the last 25 years I have been doing the "ground out" ritual to clear the Buried Unconscious, what we refer to as "the Bank" on many people with outstanding success. You can read more about Bank clearings at the end of this document.

I have decided to offer this technique in a series of classes, coming up soon, in conjunction with our ongoing course of Advanced Magick (also called Fantastic Creative Endeavors). The class is held weekly on Sunday evening, at 6 PM MST.

Course Content
This course will consist of the following parts:
  1. How to recognize which aspect of the Bank needs to be cleared in your client: buried, forgotten, and suppressed anger, fear, grief, shame, or guilt.
  2. How to help your clients make an effective list of events involving that aspect through this lifetime.
  3. How to explain the nature of the buried unconscious-how it differs from conscious and subliminal mind-and the effects of non-survival attitudes in all parts of their lives, including addictive behaviors and out-of-control aspects of their lives.
  4. How to clear Bank in one session using the ground-out ritual.
  5. How to prepare your client for the second session.
  6. How to run the second session until your client is convinced of:
    a. Whereas before they had no choice of their behaviors once bank was "keyed in"-but not any longer.
    b. How many aspects of their lives were controlled by these conditions about which they had no control.
We will first work on one another to build our confidence and our skills. On all these sessions when a clearing is done, I will sit in as a silent observer to later give the processor useful feedback. Depending on the size of the class will influence the duration of the class, but we won't finish until everyone is confident of their capability to run a session.

This method truly works and is far and wide the most effective and fastest way to clear Bank, unlike Dianetics auditing, which takes many sessions and is very expensive.

Benefits of a Bank Clearing
  • Clearing addictive habits and behaviors
  • Clearing body issues: various effects on the physical body built up over a lifetime, and in many cases in other lifetimes
  • The ability to be in present time when one chooses-and to "act" in accordance with present-time events
  • The ability to understand the true causes of many behaviors that heretofore have been misidentified
  • To come out of a "victim" orientation towards one's life
  • To be able to be self-determined rather than "other-determined"
  • To have choice where before no choice was possible.
Cost and Joining
The cost of the class will be $35 per session, no exceptions. If you are interested in joining this course or have questions, please contact us at or 888-446-2442.

More About Bank Clearings

In today's fascinating world of contradictions, our society is more technology-focused than it has ever been and, at the same time, society is more accepting of new age and spiritual explorations than ever. As a result, most of us are familiar with or involved in some sort of spiritual exploration or journey to improve the quality of our lives. Many of us have worked on our issues relating to money, health, success, career, family or relationships with greater or lesser success. In the course of your spiritual journey, have you noticed that while some issues can be resolved with a little dedicated effort and perhaps some professional assistance, other issues seem more difficult to handle and resolve? It seems that no matter how many different ways we approach some of these more intractable issues they move or change very little.

Why is this the case? According to much original shamanic research and esoteric knowledge, the root of most of these difficult issues lies in inaccessible parts of our Minds that no amount of regular therapy, counseling, or healing work can reach. There are actually three different parts or layers of Mind: conscious, subliminal, and buried unconscious. Here are the functions they serve and the ways they operate:

Conscious Mind stores the thinking part and memories that are readily available and easily accessed. It is useful to note that Mind has, in itself, no contact with the outside world except through Spirit or Body, and thus cannot interact with the environment. Most everything that we have learned or experienced with any awareness at all in this lifetime is stored in conscious Mind.


All other data from past lifetimes, between lives, and long past times when we didn't yet have bodies is stored in subliminal Mind. All impressions that we did not consciously focus on, plus all sorts of body and cellular memories are also kept here. This is the part of Mind that hypnosis can affect in positive ways.

Also known as "the Bank," the home of all incoming perceptions and experiences when Spirit was not present to Mind. Bank is a holding place for information that must be reviewed by Spirit. Spirit must decide on the significance of the information stored here, and what, if any, actions need to be taken. Because Spirit could not be aware of this data and was not conscious at the time the data was received, this information is all about issues of Non-Survival.

BANK: The Home of Compulsivity

Many of the core issues that we have the most difficulty in dealing with are Bank issues. Because no amount of traditional therapy and healing techniques can reach Bank, these issues remain unresolved in our lives. They seem to come back over and over, no matter how much will power we apply to the issue. Until these issues are cleared from Bank, we remain helpless against Bank "key-ins," or triggers that affect these issues.

How does the Bank key in and what kinds of things happen as the result? We can have minor Bank events on a daily basis, triggered by any incoming perception: words, sounds, images, events, or smells that are similar to the perceptions held in Bank. Bank has a monitoring circuit that vigilantly watches all stimuli incoming from our environment, and all data housed in subliminal Mind - it misses nothing. As Bank comes online, it begins to pull more and more present-time perceptions down into Bank, adding to the storehouse of data already stored there. In other words, until the data stored in Bank is cleared, we simply collect more and more Bank data as we move through life.

With a mild key-in, we may feel disoriented and have vague feelings of discomfort, the source of which we can't locate since we can't obtain any data from Bank. We may notice that our decisions and behaviors are suddenly out of sync with present-time circumstances - we react way out of proportion to the situation. When we have the misfortune of being in the middle of a full Bank key-in, all incoming perceptions, whether from the outside world or from any other part of my Mind, are pulled down into Bank. There is then a tidal wave of energy that flows up into subliminal and conscious Mind, and we are in the middle of a highly destructive scene. What we experience when Bank comes "On Line" is the charge held on this data, in the form of large amounts of grief, fear, or anger, with no apparent cause or reason for these in terms of present-time data!! This is where compulsivity and extreme irrational behavior originate, and these behaviors become the cause of acts that we call criminal or violently insane. In any case, eventually Bank will key out again, and we are left to deal with the results of our Bank-stimulated actions, having no idea what has taken place. Looking back on past Bank experiences, we often find them to be highly inexplicable or irrational.

Bank has two functions that are very different from the functions of conscious and subliminal Mind. Knowledge of these functions is critical to our understanding of how Bank has such an overpowering affect on us when it is activated or triggered. Bank has no sense of time, so from Bank's point of view, anything that has ever happened is still happening. It is also verbally literal and can't make comparisons, so when something is similar to a datum held in Bank, Bank considers the two similar items to be the same. More importantly, there can be only one meaning or significance attached to each piece of datum in Bank, and thus words can have only one meaning - the first meaning that Bank encountered. For example, the words "weight" and "wait," despite being different words, can only have one meaning in Bank. The data that is contained in Bank is not available to us, and is locked in by past issues of negated, suppressed, and forgotten grief, fear, or anger.

As you can imagine, resolving Bank issues is no easy task. Traditional medical and psychological approaches have no solution for clearing Bank issues. At best, they offer diagnoses such as paranoia or schizophrenia, and offer potent Mind-altering drugs as the only solution. Unfortunately, ever since the Shaman was cast out of our cultural system several thousand years ago, no one has been trained to either recognize nor deal with Bank states, and just about everyone in the society has Bank issues, including the trained medical practitioners from whom we seek help.

How Can We Clear Bank?
What choices do we have in dealing with Bank issues? We know of three mystery schools that are capable of resolving Bank issues, and can clear entire Bank chains from Mind, leaving us free to live our lives and make choices from Spirit rather than from reactions of Mind.

Dianetics is a part of Scientology that was originated by L. Ron Hubbard, and deals with Bank through auditing. This approach, although effective, is very time consuming, lengthy, and expensive. However, Dianetics processor are not difficult to find.


This church has, over the years, trained a small number of practitioners in Flow-Processing, which is fast, inexpensive and highly effective. However it is difficult to locate these people and one must be physically present to run a session, just as with Dianetics.


Our school offers perhaps the easiest solution in the form of shamanic clearings, which can clear Bank issues in 2 sessions. More important, clearing can be done remotely on the telephone if necessary, and the clearings are reasonable in cost.

Cost and Joining
The cost of the class will be $35 per session, no exceptions. If you are interested in joining this course or have questions, please contact us at or 888-446-2442.

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