Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pendulum Divination Part III: How to Clear Daily Hassles with Your Pendulum

In the previous articles in this series, we covered how to make your own pendulum and how to train your pendulum for pendulum divination. There are many things you can do with pendulum divination. One is to clear hassles out of your life.

Pendulum Divination: To Clear or Not To Clear
First you need to determine if the situation is one that you should clear. It could be that there is a life lesson that is very important for you to learn and that is why the situation exists. By consulting the pendulum you are accessing information from higher powers that can see the overall picture and let you know if this situation should be cleared or not. To do this let your pendulum hang from your dominant hand while you visualize the problem you want to clear. Then ask your pendulum, "Can I, may I, should I clear this situation?" If you get a yes answer, proceed to the clearing. Here's how.

Pendulum Divination: Clearing Hassles
1. Swing the pendulum in a counter clockwise direction. This is the direction of unwinding. Ask for the situation you visualize to be cleared and in your mind's eye, see the situation resolving. When requesting the situation be cleared, be very specific as to what the situation is and what you see in regards to the situation being resolved.

2. Keep focusing on clearing the situation until the pendulum stops spinning counter clockwise. The pendulum will then either begin swinging on a vertical or a horizontal axis, or it will stop, or it will begin swinging in a clockwise direction.

3. Once the pendulum stops swinging in the counter clockwise direction on its own, then the hassle is cleared.

Pendulum Divination: Moving On
Of course once your problem or hassle is cleared you can always bring it back by worrying about it too much. To keep this from happening, trust your pendulum divination and clearing and your intent and switch your focus to something else. In other words, let it go and move on to other things in your life.

You can use this same technique to clear repetitive thoughts that you are having. Just hold the repetitive thought in your mind instead of visualizing a situation and ask the pendulum to clear the thought from your life. It may not go away completely at first, but will come less and less often until after a time it does go away.

Now that you know how to make a pendulum, train it and clear hassles from your life with it, find out more ways to use pendulum divination in our Kindle book Learn How to Do Witchcraft Rituals and Spells with Magical Tools and continue your journey into pendulum divination magic.

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 Image courtesy of renjith krishnan /

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