Thursday, October 16, 2014

Esoteric School Discovery Guide to Magic – Part II

You may be familiar with the esoteric principle that a small change in the present can create a larger change in the future, but it's also true in magical principles that a small change in the present makes a larger change in the present. Small changes can have a great impact and by changing some small habit you have, you pave the way for larger changes in your future and your present life can change. In other words, magic happens in baby steps. It's like the idea that a butterfly can flap it wings in one area of the world, and create massive effects in a place on the other half of the world.

Magical Baby Steps
Making tiny changes can have a large impact because they change your habitual thought patterns enough to allow you to access a whole new scope of ideas and inspirations and since they are small changes you are not as likely to run into the resistance that often comes with change. Why is it important from a magical perspective to be able to change your habitual thought patterns? Abraham-Hicks ( explains this well by saying that your ability to access certain thoughts and feelings depends on the thoughts and feelings you have now. In other words, the happier you are, the more happy thoughts you are able to access. The more depressed you are, the more depressed, sad and blue type thoughts you have. Adjusting your stance just a bit gives you access to a whole new scope of thoughts and feelings. Making any small change in your habits shifts you to this new stance and what you are able to think and feel.

Reduce Resistance Factor
Making these small changes also reduces the chance of resistance to change that we can encounter. Large changes tend to make us uncomfortable and doubt ourselves. We become self-conscious wondering how the change will make us appear to others and if they will accept the change or not. For example, how would you feel if you went to work one day not in the conservative type suits you normally wear, but in some on the edge, brightly colored fashion design totally out of character with your usual style of dress? Compare that to a less noticeable change of maybe moving your pinky ring from your right hand to your left hand. The smaller change would probably cause you less concern, less resistance and be more comfortable for you. This smaller change is probably something that no one else will even notice. But you will notice it. You will notice the feel of it on your finger, the sound it makes tapping on your desk, that it is there when you pick up the phone and so on. The fact that you have made a small change that you are comfortable with and that is noticeable to you will shift the place you're standing inside yourself. Give some thought to the small changes you can make that will accomplish this shift for you. A few examples to get you started include:
  • use a different hand to do an activity than you normally would (ie. – open door, brush teeth, eating)
  • wear socks wrong side out
  • sit in a different seat at the dinner table
  • get up on opposite side of the bed

You get the idea, right? So pick some small changes and get started on your way to changing your habitual thought patterns to open the way for magical changes in your life. After all a small change in the present not only makes changes in the present but also in your future. It's never too late and nothing is pre-determined. Making any small change now can drastically change what you experience in the future and now. 

For a deeper look into the discovery of magic check out our Kindle book series - Witchcraft Spell Books.

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Image courtesy of suphakit73 /

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