Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Step 2 on the Magical Path: Magical Tools

Ever wanted to learn how to really use the Firebowl, Wand, Athame, Chalice, and Plate? Then Basic Magic 2 is for you. This 10-lesson course covers the basics of each of these magical tools, from choosing or making the perfect tool to personalizing, using, and storing that tool. The information is simple yet effective, and builds on the knowledge from Basic Magic Part 1, which covers the four magical elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.

Once the use of the four elements is mastered with hand magic, magical tools can be used to extend our "reach," since they can handle more energies than we can handle with our hands. Each of the four magical elements has its own corresponding tool, as follows:
  • Air element = Wand
  • Fire element = Athame
  • Water element = Chalice
  • Earth element = Plate
By using magical tools, magical practitioners can affect situations on many levels, ranging from the personal level to the global level. For example, it is easy enough to put up a personal shield around your body with your hands, but for a larger shield such as around your entire property, a magical tool such as the Wand or Athame makes the job much easier. Along with the magical tools associated with each element there are other useful tools such as the Firebowl, pendulum, dowsing rods, sun crystal, tarot cards and more that are needed for such magical techniques as spellwork and divination.

Some of your magical tools you will be able to make yourself like the Wand and Firebowl and others such as the Athame and Chalice you will need to select and purchase. The pendulum is one of your magical tools that you can choose to buy or that you can make yourself. In the Basic Magic 2 course you will not only learn what tools to get or make and techniques to use them for, but also how to turn simple things such as a cup or plate into magical tools. This is done by keying, charging and/or training the tools. In the case of the pendulum, here is an exercise you can try out to make a pendulum yourself and then train it for magical use.

Making a Pendulum
To make a pendulum you will need a lightweight object and a chain or some type of string to hang it from. You can use a paper clip, small rock, earring, pendant, small medallion, crystal, talisman or other similar small object. If you use a crystal, use an amethyst, and store it in a pewter box to protect it from negative energy. Don't use Aurora crystals, which have been treated with petroleum. If you hang your pendulum on a chain, use a silver chain as it is more stable energetically. You can also hang your pendulum on any kind of natural fiber such as cotton or silk, horse or human hair or leather. Make sure the pendulum is on a long enough chain or string to swing freely.

Training Your Pendulum
Once you've made your pendulum your next step is to train it so that it answers your questions quickly and accurately. Here's how:
1. First cleanse your pendulum with smoke. The smoke from burning pine resin and sage works well. Just hold the pendulum over a column of smoke from your firebowl until the smoke begins to "stick" to it.

2. Next, your pendulum needs to be keyed so that it responds to your energies. To key it, hold your pendulum in your dominant hand (the hand you write or point with). Flow energy into the pendulum for a minute or two, or until it grows warm and tingly.

3. Begin training your pendulum by establishing its yes and no directions. Decide if you want your pendulum to indicate "yes" with a vertical or horizontal swing. The "no" indicator will be the opposite of the "yes" indicator (if "yes" is a vertical swing, then "no" is a horizontal swing). Hold your pendulum suspended from your dominant hand. Rest your elbow on a table or your knee to stabilize your hand and swing your pendulum in a gentle clockwise circle telling it, "Show me yes." Wait for the pendulum to settle into the proper swing (whatever direction you chose). If it doesn't, ask again. Once your pendulum consistently swings in the proper direction for "yes," use the same process to ask it to show you the proper swing for "no."

4. Now you are ready to start training your pendulum to give you actual answers by practicing asking questions about short futures. Ask yes/no questions that can be verified in a 15 to 30 minute time frame. For instance, at the end of the work day you might ask your pendulum, "Will my roommate be home in the next 20 minutes?" Verify the correctness of your pendulum's answer, and then ask another question. In the beginning, it doesn't matter whether your pendulum gives you the correct answer or not, this is just the practice period and giving your pendulum a lot of practice is the important thing right now. The more your work with your pendulum, the more accurate it will become. Don't get obsessed with the "rightness" of the answers during this training period.

Try making your own pendulum and practicing with it. Then when you are ready to move on to other magical tools, the Basic Magic 2 course is waiting for you online to take in your own time on your own schedule.

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